Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pauline Tran ACE 10:30

Meet the 7 Chakras...

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
English meaning: Root or base
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Location: Base of spine, coccyx
Yantra symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: The Root Chakra is the foundation of our identity. It associates with our basic animal instincts for survival, which includes financial independence, money, food, and shelter. This chakra also deals with tasks pertaining to the material and physical world with the ability to stand up for one's self. In addition, the root chakra channels our sense of security and belonging.
Unbalanced Chakra: When the Root Chakra is unbalanced, one may experience feelings of abandonment, isolation, loneliness, insecurity, frustration, depression, and discomfort. One may feel like material wealth and possessions are essential as well. Physical issues may include anemia, lower back pain, hip pain, cold hands and feet, and fatigue.
Balanced Chakra: As opposed to a blocked root chakra, a balanced chakra gives one a sense of safety, acceptance, and belonging. One is able to feel a connective-ness with others and a dynamic presence. One may also feel more alive and peaceful with himself.
Balancing Crystals: Hematite, Garnet

Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Patchouli

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
English meaning: Sacral
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Location: Lower abdomen
Yantra Symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: The sacral chakra pertains to relationships and creativity. It concerns with the emotional flow and ability to go with the flow. This chakra also relates to sexuality, intimacy, a sense of abundance, well-being, and pleasure. Since the element of this chakra is water, tears and menstruation relate to this chakra as well.
Unbalanced Chakra: With an unbalanced sacral chakra, this may result in sexual problems, fear of intimacy, lack of creativity, inability to change, guilt, and unbalanced work ethics. One may not be able to allow time for himself to enjoy or relax for pleasure. Physical problems from an unbalanced sacral chakra may include pelvic pain, urinary problems, lower back pain, poor digestion, tiredness, menstrual problems, and hormonal imbalances.
Balanced Chakra: A balanced sacral chakra allows one to be open and friendly to others, enjoy activities without feeling guilty, have the ability to surrender more, and hold a strong connection with others, but maintain his boundaries at the same time. One also feels a strong sense of creativity.
Balancing Crystals: Carnelian, Vanadinite

Essential Oils: Rosemary, Jasmine

Sanskrit Name: Manipura
English meaning: City of jewels, naval
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Location: Upper abdomen
Yantra Symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: The naval chakra associates with our personality, will power, and identity. It deals with our assertiveness and inner drive. We follow our gut instincts and take risks. The naval chakra also involves self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. One has a personal sense of honor and exude charisma and integrity.
Unbalanced Chakra: An unbalanced naval chakra results in low self esteem, sensitivity to criticism, being judgmental, a poor self image, anger, hatred, feeling the need to be a perfectionist, and feeling too much power. The physical issues may include digestive problems, being sexually inhibited, liver problems, and food allergies.
Balanced Chakra: A balanced naval chakra gives one a feeling of confidence, cheerfulness, energy, strength, liveliness, and a strong sense of identity. One follows through with his tasks without putting it off or distracting himself. One is also confident, alert, and aware of their surroundings. People with a balanced naval chakra are outgoing and cheerful.
Balancing Crystals: Citrine, Golden Calcite

Essential Oils: Lavender, Vetiver

Sanskrit Name: Anahata
English meaning: Unhurt, unbeaten
Color: Green
Element: Air
Location: Center of the chest
Yantra Symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: The heart chakra associates itself with love, compassion, kindness, self-acceptance, joy, inner peace. It relates to the ability to love something unconditionally, having forgiveness, having trust, and being able to let go of things we do not need. The heart chakra is also associated with the ability to make decisions by following one's heart and not by following our emotions or desires. Anahata involves being charitable to others around us as well.
Unbalanced Chakra: An unbalanced heart chakra may bring one feelings of grief, despair, jealously, sadness, envy, loneliness, resentment, and the inability to feel empathy or compassion. There is no room for love when our heart chakra is blocked. Phyiscal problems may also include cardiovascular problems, heart diseases, asthma, pneumonia, lung and breast cancers, upper back or shoulder problems, and a thoracic spine.
Balanced Chakra: A balanced heart chakra gives one the ability to give and receive love, have a sense of wholeness, being able to let go and feeling the power of prayer. We are independent of any object or person and are able to make decisions for ourself outside the realm of karma. People with a balanced heart chakra allow themselves to love something/someone without getting too attached.
Balancing Crystals: Jade, Malachite

Posture to open Heart Chakra: Open Chest Pose

Sanskrit Name: Visuddha
English Meaning: Purification
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Location: Throat region
Yantra Symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: The throat chakra is associated with sound, hearing, creative expression, speech, healing, confession, faith, self knowledge, and expression. Visuddha gives us the ability to assimilate information and speak truthfully. It helps us find a way to convey our inside voice to the outside world. Visuddha means purification, and sound is a form of purifying. This chakra also associates itself with the thyroid gland, which regulates the body's metabolism.
Unbalanced Chakra: An unbalanced throat chakra can lead to feeling frustration, excessive talking, inability to listen, being overly opinionated, criticizing yourself and others, dental problems, and a sore throat. It may cause thyroid dysfunctions, swollen glands, a stiff neck, teeth grinding, scoliosis, and hearing problems. The emotional results of an unbalanced throat chakra may also start to affect one's decision making and personal expression.
Balanced Chakra: A balanced throat chakra gives us the ability to communicate verbally and through writing, have confidence in our beliefs, have the ability to express our beliefs, and have the capacity to listen and truly hear. It also governs fluent thought, a sense of security, and independence.
Balancing Crystals: Blue Topaz, Turquoise

Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, Frankincense

Sanskrit Name: Ajna
English Meaning: Command or summoning
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Location: Inbetween the 2 eyebrows
Yantra Symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: The brow chakra is associated with sight and seeing, clear vision, intuition, wisdom, reasoning, psychic senses, intellect, insight, and visualization. The third eye allows us to see the physical world and what we see has a powerful impact on us. This chakra deals with trusting our insights and developing our psychic abilities as well.
Unbalanced Chakra: An unbalanced brow chakra can result in fuzzy thinking, confusion, headaches, poor memory, poor visualization, nightmares, and anxiety disorders. One may also potentially suffer from blindness, fear of truth, lack of concentration, sleep disorders, and learning disabilities. An unbalanced Ajna may start to affect one's judgment, evaluation, and concept of reality.
Balanced Chakra: With a balanced brow chakra, one is able to think clearly, trust his inner wisdom, visualize the future, have strong intellectual levels, and concentrate and focus on reality. The ability to imagine and trust our intuitions are strengthened. We are able to separate reality from fantasies and delusions, learn from our experiences, and have clear memory. Telepathic abilities may also be heightened with a balanced Ajna.
Balancing Crystals: Amethyst, Sugilite

Essential Oils: Cypress, Clary Sage

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
English Meaning: Lotus of the thousand petals
Color: Violet or white
Element: Cosmic energy
Location: Crown of the head
Yantra Symbol:

Associations/Characteristics: Sahasrara is associated with cosmic consciousness, enlightment, the right to aspire, trusting the universe, and dedication to the divine. The crown chakra allows us to learn about our own spirituality and integrate our consciousness and subconsciousness into the superconsciousness. It also relates to our emotional feelings, harmony, unity, and our spirit.
Unbalanced Chakra: An unbalanced crown chakra can result in a lack of purpose, loss of identity, disbelief in spiritual realities, lack of ethics, lack of inspiration, a sense of fear, and materialism. Some of the physical issues include chronic exhaustion, epilepsy, blood vessel problems, skin rashes, and sensitivity to light and sound.
Balanced Chakra: A balanced crown chakra gives us the ability to be conscious of the universe, interpret and understand information more easily, connect to God or a higher power, hold an open mind, and expand awareness on an emotional level. We are enlightened and our mind is at ease, we can coordinate through difficulties, and explore our spiritual self.
Balancing Crystals: Diamond, White Topaz

Essential Oils: Lotus, Jasmine


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